Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Procedure Text : How to Tie a Tie

We are coming again to give you another example of procedural text. As usual, you can use this example and submit to your teacher as a monthly task.

In this occasion, we give you an example of Procedure text about how to tie a tie. Here is the text, check it out.

How to Tie a Tie

  1. Tie
  2. Shirt (with necktie)

  1. First, Prepare a necktie based on your choice and stand up in front of the mirror. 
  2. Start with the wide end of the necktie on the right side. It is extending  approximately 12 inches below the narrow end of the tie on the left. 
  3. After that, cross the wide end over the narrow end. 
  4. Then, turn the wide end back underneath the narrow end of the tie. 
  5. After that, bring the wide end back over in front of the narrow end of the tie. 
  6. Next, pull the wide end up and through the loop around the neck. 
  7. Hold the front of the knot loosely with index finger and bring the the wide end down through the front loop. 
  8. At last, remove your finger and tighten the knot carefully to the collar by holding the narrow end and sliding the knot up. 

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